Microsoft Patch Tuesday Results for April 2022

This month, Microsoft released security updates for 128 vulnerabilities and risk exposures, including 10 rated critical, and two identified as “zero day”.  Guidance for the most critical updates is highlighted below: VulnerabilityAffected ProductsCVEsRemote Procedure...

Spring4Shell Vulnerability: What You Need to Know

Spring by VMware has released fixes for a critical vulnerability in Spring Framework, a widely used Java library. The vulnerability (CVE-2022-22965) could allow remote code execution via data binding when applications use the Spring Framework with JDK 9 or higher.  It...

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Results for March 2022

This month, Microsoft released security updates for 71 vulnerabilities and risk exposures, including two rated critical.  Guidance for the most critical updates is highlighted below: VulnerabilityAffected ProductsCVEsHEVC Video Extensions Remote Code ExecutionHEVC...

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Results for February 2022

This month, Microsoft released security updates for 48 vulnerabilities and risk exposures, including one vulnerability identified as “Zero Day”. Guidance for the most Critical updates is highlighted below: VulnerabilityAffected ProductsCVEsWindows Kernel Elevation of...

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Results for January 2022

This month, Microsoft released security updates for 96 vulnerabilities and risk exposures, including six vulnerabilities identified as “Zero Days”. Guidance for the most Critical updates is highlighted below: VulnerabilityAffected ProductsCVEsWindows Security Center...

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